
What does peristaltic pump hose need to do?

The peristaltic pump hose improves the service life of the hose on the peristaltic pump; * Elasticity and resilience, good compression characteristics; Smooth t...


Pharmaceutical grade silicone hose introduction

The silicone tube has the characteristics of high health grade, so it is used for the transportation of medicine and food. Such as liquid medicine, juice, milk,...


Pharmaceutical grade silicone tubes possess documentation of biological suitability in accordance with ISO 10993

Pharmaceutical grade silicone tube is made of platinum sulfide silicone, can be used to pump a variety of liquid medicine, blood products, reagents, hydrophobic...


What is USP class VI Certification

First, let's explain what USP actually means: The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is a nongovernmental organization that supports public health by setting the ...


Silicone tube silicone strip

With the gradual expansion of the demand of different industries, more and more application fields put forward anti-static requirements, especially the expansio...


Synchrony, soft claw fingers versus cylinder

Frequent users of pneumatic components know that when multiple cylinders work at the same time, it is difficult to achieve multiple cylinders in step...


Scratches, fingerprints, sucker prints, a lost lost can not have, how to do?

With the advent of 5G era, various coated glass components in cameras, VR and AR glasses are increasingly widely used, and customers have put forward higher req...


Robot claw: There are even two gentler hands than humans!

What comes to mind when you think of robots? A giant machine with a nose, eyes, hands and feet, similar to humans? But the next robot may be about to break your...


Manufacturing mechanical claw needs to be upgraded!

Traditional mechanical devices such as rigid manipulators and dexterous manipulators have been widely used in human social life and production. The manipulator ...
